Wapusk vodka 70cl
Wapusk vodka 70cl
Discover Wapusk Vodka, an exceptional spirit crafted in the United States. Made from pure grain and distilled five times, it offers unmatched purity and refinement. Its name, “Wapusk,” means “polar bear” in the Native American language and honors Canada’s Wapusk National Park, a vital sanctuary where these magnificent creatures come to breed.
Much like Virunga Gin supports gorillas, every bottle of Wapusk Vodka sold helps protect polar bears, a symbol of resilience in the face of climate change. Indulge in a premium experience while contributing to the preservation of an endangered species.
Juniper, Coriander, Citrus, Mandarin, Raspberry, Pepper, Rose, Angustura & Jazmin
Drink Virunga Gin and save gorillas
Virunga Gin contributes to the conservation of the critically endangered mountain gorillas and their habitat by supporting the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund.